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Applied Dynamics Ltd.

Applied Dynamics Enterprises

Applied Dynamics Inc.


ADI manages a wide range and scale of projects.

The following is only a partial list of projects managed by, or in consultation with, Applied Dynamics, Inc. The entire history of ADI projects, from 1904 to present, can be provided upon request.


Technical manufacturing and defense electronics projects.

Rigetti Computing

Fremont, California

20,000sf manufacturing facility for quantum computing processors. Factory modeling, tool selection, tool layout, cost estimation, scheduling, permit drawings, commissioning. Design of the Class 100/10 clean room.

Thinfilms Semiconductor

San Jose, California

30,000sf manufacturing facility for thin-film semiconductor devices; process engineering; factory modeling, tool selection, optimizing tool layout for minimizing wafer travel distance, cost estimation, construction scheduling, construction drawings and permitting assistance. HAZMAT management.

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Mountain View, California

Consolidation of laboratory operations under a single roof. Space programming, creation of lab-specific performance specifications, project and construction management for creation of a 700,000sf laboratory facility to house the following labs: Project Loon, Project Waymo, Reliability Labs, Failure Analysis Labs, Battery Labs, Semiconductor Labs, Life Sciences Lab, Wing Labs, Titan Labs, etc. Construction costs $600M.

Enovix Corporation

Fremont, California

Lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility. Full project delivery, factory planning, line balancing, engineering, architectural design services. Project management services to facilitate permitting, constructions, startup, and commission of the tenant improvement phase of the project. Similar services for the tool installation. Rigging and placement of manufacturing equipment, installation of process utilities. Startup and commissioning. Coordination with the Fire Department and HAZMAT for installation of Factory Mutual-approved safety and fire suppression systems.

Western Digital Corporation, Building 1

Fremont, California

Implement lean construction methodology for the $200M seismic upgrade of Building 1. As part of the project, 100,000sf of office and support space was demolished and remodeled. Acted as overall Project Manager for Western Digital. Organized and performed all initial cost estimating, strategic planning and scheduling. Board level presentations were prepared and delivered to inform upper management of cost and schedule goals. Hired all engineers and contractors. Scheduled and directed all materials delivery to the site. Obtained all permits through a phased management approach with the City. Directed and planned day-to-day work efforts. All work performed without a single day of lost production for a factory with an annual output of $18B.

Western Digital Corporation, Building 2

Fremont, California

50,000sf of new Class 10 manufacturing space planned and constructed. Performed all initial cost estimates for corporate funding. Hired all engineers, consultants for the creating of contract drawings. Prepared and issued all contract documents and awards. Obtained all permits using a phased management approach and utilized the pre-submission code review process. All day-to-day work efforts and site labor population efforts were orchestrated to meet the goals of lean construction as practiced by ADI.


Milpitas, California & Austin, Texas

Create a factory model for a 500,000sf manufacturing operation capable of fabrication and assembly of personal electronic appliances (cell phones, tablets, desktops, laptops). Based on the factory model, specify and aid in the selection and purchasing of manufacturing equipment. Direct the design of the manufacturing facility (all disciplines) to control and coordinate the integration of all support systems required to enable the construction to commence on a fast track construction schedule. The project produced prototype product 6 months from the start of construction, meeting the schedule that ADI created at the beginning of the project.

Project Mercury

Sunnyvale, California

Factory model, programming, design and construction of a 200,000sf prototype manufacturing facility. Aid in the selection of production tooling that meet the requirements of the factory model to create enclosures, displays, surface mount technology, assembly burn-in and test.

Northrop Grumman

Mountain View, California

Programming and design of high precision machine operations used for production of transmissions for submarines and other naval vessels. Finished machine parts weigh up to 70,000lbs and are milled to within 1 micron tolerance. Factory layout, foundation design, and support utilities were devised to allow the machining tolerances to be met with other factory disturbances effectively isolated from the precision milling tools.

Hoya Electronics

Tokyo, Japan

Generate individual business plans for new manufacturing operations located in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Shanghai, Japan, and California. Create a factory model including all costs associated with constructing, outfitting, startup and ongoing operations. Aid in the selection of production tooling, create purchase specifications for the manufacturing equipment including source inspection, delivery, startup and long-term maintenance agreements. Create a standard factory design that will be used in any country with minor adaptations to local construction conditions.

Western Digital Corporation

Fremont, California

Project Manager for the renovation and expansion of two buildings. Work included adding an additional 64,000sf of Class 10 manufacturing space, adding a new 16,000sf office and 12,000sf of research laboratory space. Renovations also included office tenant improvements, seismic upgrades, a new utility pad housing waste-water treatment, deionized water, nitrogen and solvent storage tanks, acid and solvent abatement systems, compressed air, and miscellaneous HVAC equipment.


San Jose, California

Design Manager for tool installation. Responsibilities included aiding Qualcomm in tool selection to meet processing requirements, factory modeling, tool layout and creating a comprehensive tool utilities matrix. Managed the creation of tool layout packages for 125 process tools. Provided services during construction including inspections and startup of critical tools.

Global Communications Semiconductor

Torrance, California

Project Manager in charge of enhancing the wafer foundry capability to handle compound semiconductor processing. Managed the design and construction of new Class 10 fabrication areas. Aided the owner in the selection of process tooling to enhance capabilities. Selected design-build contractor and tool installation contractor. Supervised the installation of new process tooling including startup and qualification.

Lucent Technologies

Alhambra & Irwindale, California

Project Manager for the design and construction of two wafer fabs. Responsibilities included creating schematic design drawings, engaging a design-build contractor, managing the design and construction effort, providing services during construction, creation of tool layout packages for 225 production tools, managing the installation and startup of production tooling.

Corning Research Labs

Corning, New York

Project Manager for the design and construction of 250,000sf of research and pilot production space for the manufacture of compound semiconductor devices for the communications industry. Responsibilities included aiding Corning in the selection of a design-build contractor, managing the design and construction efforts, and providing tool selection guidance. Process responsibilities included creating a comprehensive factory model, tool layout and managing the design efforts for creating tool installation packages. Services during construction included providing training in clean room construction, materials specifications, inspections, and equipment startup and commissioning


North Albany, New York

Project Manager and Owners Representative for three front-end wafer fabs constructed on State University of New York at Albany property. The project encompassed the design and construction of three facilities having a combined net clean room space of 500,000sf. Responsibilities included: creating factory and cost models for 300mm 45 & 65nm process nodes, process equipment selection, tool layout to minimize wafer travel distance, creation of a master facilities specification. As the owner’s representative, selected design-build contractors, managed the design, and provided overall management of the construction phases. Process and manufacturing responsibilities included selecting tool installation contractors, approving tool installation packages, supervising startup and commissioning of process tooling and process support systems. Construction cost $1.2M.

Polaroid/Boston Laser

Boston, Massachusetts

Retained as an Owner’s Representative and Project Manager for the design and construction of a 20,000sf compound semiconductor defense electronics facility. Responsibilities included managing the design, selecting design build contractors and tracking project progress. In parallel, tool layout and tool packages were prepared and bid for installation. Efforts included the startup and commissioning of process support systems and production tooling until engineering test wafers met specifications. 

NXP Semiconductor

East Fishkill, New York

Retained to perform factory modeling. Included evaluation of all process systems and associated operating costs. Created a comprehensive matrix that included all costs associated with the production of each of the company’s 12 product lines. Work product resulted in an accurate model showing the cost per square inch of wafer area for a variety of process tooling and ramp/step combinations. Managed the tool selection, tool purchasing, tool installation packages and factory startup to enhance production and reduce wafer costs.

IMT Semiconductor

Goleta, California

Project Manger for the installation of process tools to enhance existing wafer foundry capabilities. Performed factory modeling to select and optimize new process tooling. Created a utilities matrix to evaluate the extent of new facilities requirements. Specified and aided in the purchase of new process tools. Managed the creation of tool installation packages. Evaluated and selected tool installation contractors. Managed the installation of 25 new process tools and new process support systems to support these tools. Performed startup, qualification and commissioning of these systems.

University of California at Santa Barbara, Engineering III Building

Goleta, California

Laboratory and clean room Project Manager. Performed programming for 200,000sf of research and classroom space. Provided tool layout, managed the design of the 50,000sf of Class 1 H-5 clean room space supporting 300mm tool sets. Provided services during construction including commissioning of the laboratory and clean room support utilities and mechanical systems. The facility was designed to support research projects whose grants were funded by Hewlett Packard, Applied Materials and Intel. Construction cost $110M.

Dupont Photomasks

Gresham, Oregon

Owner’s Representative and Project Manager for the design and construction of a 150,000sf photomask facility. Project included 40,00sf of Class 1 manufacturing space. Vertical laminar flow clean room including complete Atmospheric Molecular Contamination Controls (AMC’s) per manufacturing requirements. Responsibilities included design management, creating and issuing construction RFP’s, selecting contractors, managing construction activities and commissioning the completed facility. Construction cost in excess of $100M. 

Gore Photonics

Lompoc, California

Owners Representative and Project Manager for the conversion of 80,000sf of warehouse space into 20,000sf of Class 10 AMC-controlled clean rooms for the production of advanced wave guide and pumps lasers. The use of highly toxic gas and chemicals required extensive HAZMAT treatment and mitigation measures to meet Santa Barbara County guideline and requirements. Responsibilities included creating conceptual design documents, selecting the A&E, creating and issuing construction RFP’s, selection of contractors and managing the construction phase. Provided startup and commissioning efforts including verification of toxic gas monitoring system’s ability to shut down gas flow and activate safety systems with 100% reliability. Construction cost $50M


Nampa, Idaho

Owner’s Representative for the design, construction, commissioning, and startup of a 40,000sf Class 10 fully integrated SMIF Pod Fab, the first true 200mm “sneaker fab” in the United States. All wafers contained within SMIF Pods with all tooling provided with either indexers (built in mini-environments) or provided with a full mini-environment robotic load stations. Gowning consisted only of bouffant caps, lab coats and clean room sneakers. Responsibilities included managing design, selection of the construction manager, services during construction, commissioning of all facilities and process systems, and providing startup assistance for process tooling during the ramp up to 2500 wafers per week. Construction cost for Phase 1-3 was $100M.


Goleta, California

Project Manager for the B-1 Clean Room. Responsibilities included creating a tool matrix and factory model, selecting A&E services, managing design, selecting the contractors, managing construction and commissioning of the clean room and process support systems. Aided process engineers in installation and startup of process tooling. Construction cost $75M.

Hughes Aircraft Company Research Labs

Malibu, California

Owner’s Representative for the planning and build out of 500,000sf of advanced research space for defense electronics applications. Project also included the integration of a 50,000sf advanced Class 1 clean room with total Atmospheric Molecular Contamination (AMC) controls. Aided Hughes Aircraft in managing the design, selection of the construction manager, job inspections, commissioning and startup of the facility. Construction cost $212M.

Army Research Labs

Aberdeen, Maryland

Owner’s Representative working for the Army Corps of Engineers. Project included the consolidation of three separate research facilities into one integrated lab location. Project included the design and construction of dozens of specialized laboratories and testing facilities required to support military research. Responsibilities included managing A&E programming services, design services and issued for contract documents. Provided services during construction to assure each lab met program goals. Supervised commission of each lab. Construction cost $225M.

Lockheed Martin

Sunnyvale, California

Upgrade to the existing cryogenic acoustic and temperature test facilities used for satellite qualification. The entire 40,000 gallon cryogenic and gaseous nitrogen facility was evaluated for performance and reliability enhancements. Written recommendations and engineering drawings were provided. Field observations were performed during the upgrade implantation. Post construction commission was performed to verify design performance goals.

Lockheed Martin

Orlando, Florida

Project management services for the Advanced Microelectronics Center. Provided conceptual design, managed engineering efforts, managed and supervised construction, and provided post-construction commissioning services.

Bell Northern

Nepean, Ontario, Canada

Design Manger for foundation, structural, mechanical, process and electrical disciplines. 155,000sf Class 1/10 200mm wafer fabrication facility. Responsibilities also included acting as an Owner’s Representative during construction and managing the commissioning and startup of the facility.

Motorola MOS 8

Austin, Texas

Project Manager for the world’s first vertical flow laminar flow front-end semiconductor manufacturing plant. Tool layout designed for CMOS manufacturing of memory devices. Plenum ceiling, concrete waffle floor, sub-fab for return air, and process support utilizing submarine-grade, low-RPM vane axial fans. Construction cost $350M.

Motorola MOS 9

East Kilbride, Scotland

Owner’s Representative and Project Manager for the third advanced manufacturing facility for CMOS production. 120,000sf area under filter exceeding Class 10. $300M construction investment with another $1.2B in tooling. Design included a highly vibration resistant production floor made entirely out of pre-cast elements. World’s first clean room that utilized advanced high purity pipe installation methods. Construction cost $540M.

Motorola MOS 11

Oakhill, Texas

Owners Representative for Motorola’s second VLF manufacturing facility. $250M investment in construction with another $800M in production tooling. Responsibilities included managing A&E services, overseeing construction, commissioning of the completed facility.

Fairchild Semiconductor

Wasserberg, Germany

Project Manager and Owners Representative for 120,000sf vertical laminar flow clean room with pre-cast vibration-resistant structural floor. $550M site investment, $1.5B tool cost. Responsibilities included managing A&E efforts, construction and commissioning. Managed tool installation up to the successful ramp up of the factory to 3,000 wafers per week.

Fairchild Semiconductor

Nagasaki, Japan

Acting as an Owner’s Representative, negotiated construction pricing for land and facilities from Takanaka Construction Company for a 100,000sf vertical laminar flow clean room including all required facilities and process support systems. Managed the development of the parcel, the construction of the clean room and office supports facilities, and their commissioning. Managed the installation of tools and processing of engineering test wafers required to qualify the factory. Construction cost $250M.


Palo Alto, California

Design and Project Manager for technical plating project in Building 71. Responsibilities included design of chemical distribution units (CDU’s) feeding the plating tools; design of all process pipe distribution systems; design of the waste treatment system including double contained pipe, heavy metal recovery system, acid waste neutralization, and outflow monitoring; selection of chemical resistant architectural materials and coating materials for structural systems; and coordination of electrical distribution and lighting.


Biopharmaceutical projects.

PDL BioPharma

Redwood City, California

Design Manager for process systems for the creation of 250,000sf of laboratory and prototype manufacturing space placed in two adjoining buildings. Responsibilities included creating a utility matrix for each building to determine electrical and process utilities requirements. Manage the design of central plant systems to support the bio manufacturing and research space. Manage the design of process pipe systems to the individual lab bench level. Design the process support facilities to meet requirements of the prototype manufacturing area. Perform design assist during the design build portion of the project.

Army Research Labs

Fort Detrick, Maryland

Retained by the Army Corps of Engineers as an Owner’s Representative. Manage programming including interface with user groups to determine characteristics and space requirements of each of the lab modules. Directed engineering efforts to include containment, decontamination and mitigation features into each lab section. Mechanical, electrical, architectural and laboratory systems design to be decontaminated via automatic active systems. Facility serves the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease.

National Institute of Health, Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center

Bethesda, Maryland

As NIH Owner’s Representative, managed A&E services including programming space requirements for the various user groups and new research initiatives. Selected the construction team and managed the 14-month construction effort. Oversight was provided for the commissioning of the completed facility.

Chiron Corporation, Life Sciences Center Building 4

Emeryville, California

Owner’s Representative and Project Manager for expansion of prototype manufacturing area. Responsibilities included hiring the A&E firm, scheduling, cost estimates, planning and permitting with local authorities, preparation and management of RFP’s, selection of the construction manager, overseeing construction, and managing startup, commissioning and FDA certification efforts.

The Genomics Institute, Novartis Research Foundation

San Diego, California

Retained as Project Manager to aid in programming and managing the design and construction. Successfully created flexible research space to encompass the broad spectrum of research projects foreseen and unforeseen at the Institute. The $120M project was delivered to the user groups ahead of schedule and under budget.

Allergan, R&D Building III

Irvine, California

Retained as Project Manager to manage and oversee green field construction of 172,000sf of combined research and pilot plant manufacturing space. Responsibilities included managing programming efforts, selection of A&E services, selection of the construction manager, overseeing construction and monitoring FDA compliance. Budget was $60M.

University of California, Berkeley, Stanley Hall Biological Research Laboratory

Berkeley, California

Retained for lab consultation on lab and support area planning and design for this 11-story laboratory included casework, BSL-1 through BSL-4 work areas, 5,000sf clean room, process support equipment (purified water system, clean dry air, nitrogen, CO2, process vacuum systems, autoclave facilities, clean steam and hazardous waste treatment systems). Provided detailed design documents and post-construction commissioning services.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Engineering III, Biological Research Laboratory

Retained for lab consultation on combination semiconductor and bio-engineering laboratory. Lab and support area planning and design for this 16-story laboratory. Bottom level contained a 16,000sf Class 10 clean room including UHP-DI water system, clean dry air, process vacuum, acid waste neutralization, and liquid nitrogen system. Upper floors for biological research included casework, BSL-1 through BSL-4 work areas, 5,000sf clean room, process support equipment (purified water system, clean dry air, nitrogen, CO2, process vacuum systems, autoclave facilities, clean steam, and hazardous waste treatment systems). Provided detailed design documents and post-construction commissioning services.


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