Areas of expertise include abatement systems, molecular contamination control, clean room technology, code compliance, EMI/RFI, engineering, high purity pipe technology, infrasonics, acoustics, aeroacoustics, isolation technology, MEP engineering, monitoring systems, process support systems, structural dynamics, and more.
Applied Dynamics Inc. has in-house expertise in diverse fields including: Business Plans, Factory Modeling, Space Planning, Programming, Scheduling, Construction Management, and Cost Estimating. Design disciplines include: Foundation, Structural, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Process, Industrial Engineering, and Architectural.
ADI has extensive manufacturing capabilities including but not limited to: Industrial Engineering, Human Resource Management, Technology Development, Prototyping, Manufacturing Execution Systems, Procurement Control, Supply Chain Management, Production Start-up, Agile Manufacturing, Work-Cell Technology, Benchmarking, Safety Improvement, and ISO Certification.

Abatement Systems
- Dilution fan systems for emergency release of toxic gasses from gas cabinets, gas rooms or tool enclosures.
- Fixed abatement systems for 99.5 % efficiency removal of controlled toxic gas.
- Absorption scrubbers for abatement of hydrocarbons from solvent hoods.
- Water based, PH controlled scrubbers for 95%+ efficiency in removal of acid based exhaust systems.
- Tool specific point of use abatement systems.

Atmospheric Molecular Contamination Control
- Testing and qualification of materials to meet ASTM or SEMI standards for out-gassing.
- Materials qualification, selection, construction techniques and post construction testing.
- Process controls to eliminate the contribution and cross contamination of AMC’s.
- Construction protocols to control the introduction of AMC’s.

Clean Room Construction Technology
- Mechanical system concepts to reduce complexity, reduce first costs, lower energy costs, increase cleanliness and reduce AMC’s.
- Air moving design solutions to increase clean room flexibility.
- Application of ergonomic design philosophies without compromising substrate contamination.
- Integration of tool layout with the clean room architectural package.
- Architectural system concepts to foster low surface area, low-particulation rate and minimize material and construction related contamination.
- Clean construction protocols, including planning, implementation, training and monitoring.

Code Compliance & Review
- Toxic abatement systems.
- Materials transportation systems: single wall pipe, double wall pipe, gas cabinets, VMB’s, VMP’s and tool GIB assemblies.
- Exiting Requirements (UBC).
- Maximum quantities of materials analysis (UFC).
- Fire control and monitoring, smoke-purge systems, smoke and fire notification systems (NFPA & UFC).
- Tool level fire abatement requirements (NFPA 318).
- Toxic Gas Monitoring Systems (UFC).
- Cleanroom compatible materials selections for smoke and flame contribution (NFPA 318 & UFC).
- Insurance review and design recommendations for meeting sprinkler coverage and materials selection.
- Shielded and anechoic room facilities to meet critical testing requirements.
- Antenna testing facilities including open range and enclosed facilities.
- EMI control through shielding or specific electrical distribution and design philosophies.
- EMI control through mechanical system design.
- Single room & whole facility tempest control (RFI security).

- Electrical Engineering — Power distribution specific to clean room and research facilities: plans, CSI format specifications, and single line diagrams.
- Process Engineering — A design concept to enable significant tool reconfiguration with minimal impact: complete design of process vacuum, house and specialty gas systems, waste pipe, process-chilled water, DI water, CDA. process vacuum systems and CSI format specifications.
- Industrial Engineering — Creation of a prime tool layout and several mock tool reconfigurations to test the design. A tool matrix is generated as part of this exercise defining all utility requirements. The IE group interfaces with the MEP disciplines.

High Purity Pipe Technology
- Specifications and assembly techniques to achieve parts per trillion contamination levels .
- Pipe and gas distribution systems to meet safety and code requirements for MOCVD, MBE, Plasma, Diffusion, Etch, and Epitaxial systems.
- PVDF and PTFE pipe systems materials specifications and assembly techniques for distribution of high purity liquids.
- Design solutions for integrating process systems to the tool layout and maintaining complete flexibility throughout the life of the facility.
- Contractor training services.

Infrasonics, Acoustics, Aeroacoustics
- Detailed analysis of acoustic phenomena.
- Mechanical and aerodynamic design solutions to control noise.
- Architectural acoustic noise control through the use of wall, floor and surface finishes.
- Aerodynamic noise control using airflow manipulation, air moving devices, active and passive dampening systems, and overall system design solutions.

Isolation Technology
- Self contained, temperature, humidity, AMC, particulate controlled mini-environment solutions.
- Whole facility design solutions incorporating mixed flow clean rooms.
- SMIF, intra-bay, inter-bay, and whole facility automation systems.
- Tool specific isolation technology.
- Whole facility integration of isolation technologies and automation.

MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Process) Engineering
- 30% conceptual documents into working and contract documents.
- Formal review at the 50%, 70%, 85% and 95% completion of the packages.
- Coordination with all other disciplines involved in the project through the Architect.
- Responsibility for all systems within the clean room envelope associated with the clean room.
- Coordination with the Architect to communicate the architectural requirements of the clean room.
- Outside-the-cleanroom specialty systems such as: emergency power, specialty exhaust systems, makeup air systems, toxic gas monitoring, and controls systems.

Monitoring Systems
- Facilities control systems: all necessary specifications, equipment selection, P&ID’s and performance requirements.
- Toxic gas monitoring systems: all necessary local fire Marshall interface, NFPA and ICBO code compliance, materials and system selection, CSI format specifications, and P&ID’s.
- Sensor selection and maintenance for long term reliability and stability.

Process Support Systems
- DI water system design, specifications, and startup services.
- Process chilled water system design, including plant systems as well as distribution into the clean room up to the tool.
- Process vacuum system: plant sizing, equipment type, pipe systems up to the tool.
- Bulk house liquid gas systems, including code analysis and site access issues.
- UPS systems for identified critical support systems.
- Clean dry air plant equipment selection, piped distribution systems, certification and startup.
- Emergency power system sizing, specifications and connected equipment identification.

Structural Dynamics
- Detailed field and/or laboratory analysis of structural systems.
- Stress, strain and vibration testing of microstructures up to large-scale assemblies.
- Utilization of micro-seismic database, categorizing soil type versus dynamics characteristics anticipated during macro or micro-seismic events.
- Design solutions for foundations, superstructures and mechanical systems to meet critical vibration criteria.